Expert Advice

Full-length articles, listicles, videos, and other resources to guide you in making great decisions in terms of your resume, interviews, job search, and overall career trajectory.

Archives for May 2020

How to Ace All Types of Video Interviews During COVID-19

Woman having a video call

Everybody’s doing it.

Even before COVID-19 struck the world, employers have been relying on virtual interviewing to screen out candidates. It’s inexpensive and way less time-consuming. There are several types of video interviews employers use. Make sure you’re savvy in all 4 of these formats. Continue reading this entry »

top COVID-19, Interviewing, Job Hunting in a Recession, Job Market, Uncategorized |

The Difference Between Responsibilities and Accomplishments, and Why You Should Have NEITHER on Your Resume

Just a reminder to take a break and do something special for yourself once in a while.

As a former recruiter and professional resume writer, I’ve looked at a lot of resumes. I can tell you this: people seem to struggle with knowing how, where, and to what extent to include Responsibilities and Accomplishment on their resumes.

Most people have one or the other, the coffee or the cookie. Some have both, a 2-course delivery. Neither of these strategies is optimal.

To show you why Continue reading this entry »

top Executives, Job Hunting in a Recession, Resumes |

5 Stand-out Strategies for Answering the “Tell Me About Yourself” Interview Question

Most interviews start with the same question (which, actually, isn’t even a question):

“Tell me about yourself.”


Because open-ended questions are the best way to get to know someone. And, they’re the easiest way to allow someone to reveal themselves.

The question is simple enough, yet most people answer it incorrectly. Continue reading this entry »

top Career Transition, Executives, Interviewing, Job Hunting in a Recession, Recent Graduates |

Why Won’t You Just Die?! The Stubborn Immortality of the Resume

What is it about resumes that they’re still around? Aren’t we well past the era of using 1- to 2-page documents to represent ourselves?

I’m a professional resume writer and I’ve been ready for the traditional resume to die for a while now, like a king in his castle looking down onto the battlefield at his battered and bruised knight, so proud but bracing for the inevitable.

But the knight just won’t go down. Despite all the swords blazing and shots being fired, the trusty-rusty resume keeps swinging.

There have been numerous attempts to take down the resume, to relieve it of its decades-long tyranny over the job search, but nothing has been victorious.

Here are some of the more modern sharpshooters that have promised to dethrone the chivalrous resume: Continue reading this entry »

top Recruiters & HR, Resumes, Uncategorized |